Engen Ghana Limited

EGL CSR partnership with mc2h

“We are very conscious of our impact on future generations in today’s world – we talk about meeting our needs without compromising the ability of future generations. What has become clear to me, is that this aspiration must start with education. We must do all we can to promote inclusive, lifelong learning opportunities for all, so that the ‘future’ has a future.” Brent Nartey, MD Engen Ghana.

Last month Engen Ghana announced a new CSR partnership with the mc2h foundation, aligning our social impact activities with the Mocoh Group.

This new alliance began with our MD travelling to the rural communities of Sakasaka, Kalpohin, Ying and Yong with the foundation’s CEO Tara Wondraczek, where they met with two of mc2h’s literacy partners, Eduspots and School for Life, and saw the incredible work they are doing with school children in those communities.

Why mc2h?

mc2h was established in 2017 by Mocoh founder Michael Hacking, who has long believed in the power of education to nourish and inspire Africa’s youth.

Since then, thanks to financial support from Mocoh and its deep commitment to seeing Africa thrive, and under Tara’s visionary direction, the foundation has refined its mission and strategy to focus on boosting early-years literacy in Africa. This it achieves through sustainable grant making to grassroots literacy organisations with a strong understanding of the complex educational and social challenges in Ghana, and other African nations.

“Learning to read is only part of what helps a child thrive, but it is perhaps the most important,” explains Tara. “When we help a child to read, we unlock so much more, and for so many years to come.”

Why literacy?

In 2019, the World Bank revealed shocking findings about the levels and consequences of child illiteracy in Africa:

Every year, 86% of 10-year-olds in Africa – almost two thirds of them girls – spend time at school but don’t learn to read.

The impact of this on learning and people’s life chances is huge. Children who can’t read struggle to learn anything else, they’re more likely to repeat a grade and are more likely to drop out of school, which leads to greater unemployment, worse health outcomes and deeper levels of poverty.

“Children are our future,” says Brent. “By joining forces with mc2h and their partners, we will tackle one of the root causes of poverty right here on our doorstep, reinstilling dignity, pride and hope among less privilidged communities… The Engen Ghana team and I are extremely excited about this new partnership, about championing and empowering the next generation of Africans through literacy.

“We are commited to leaving no child behind.”

For further information please contact: Engen Ghana Ltd. Corporate Communications Team: Tel: +233 (0)594 033 226 Email: info@engen.com.gh

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